Blog | My First Post
- 1 minWhether you’ve managed to find this blog via a direct link or some sort of misclick- hello and welcome! I’m Amber, and this is my first blog post.
Have you ever had a thought come into your head, the type of thought so fleeting and prone to disappearing, yet seems so significant in the moment that you promise yourself that you’ll remember later? The very type of thought that you then proceed to forget 5 minutes later? This happens to me all the time. It’s inspired my great love of to-do lists- comprised of little notes scrawled on the backs of receipts, restaurant napkins, my hands…
A few years back, I read somewhere that the author Roald Dahl had once come up with a story idea in the middle of a car ride, so he had stopped his car to trace a reminder onto the dusty side of his car! I still have my sticky note to-do lists for my little daily reminders, but I thought it would be nice to have somewhere I could keep a record of the small things my mind picks up when it briefly wanders. I felt as it it would make sense to transition to a platform that provided me with the convenience and accessibility that came with the digital age. I see blogging as a journaling/ storytelling hybrid, with the ability to reach a larger audience, and I wanted to try it out!
This is the little corner of the internet I hope to call mine, and here you’ll find my slowly growing collection of the occasional reflections, book reviews, day-to-day ponderings, etc. I’m excited to write more, and I hope you’re excited to read more as well!
❄ Happy Holidays ❄