UW Night Market 2018

- 10 mins
UW Night Market 2018 official poster.
UW Night Market 2018 official banner.


Director of Marketing and Public Relations





Examples of Marketing Material:

We created gifs and short videos as an eye-catching way to relay smaller amounts of information and quick reminders about the event.

Longer promotional videos were also created to represent the main values of our organization, and the message we were hoping to deliver through this event- that food brings people together.

We featured photos with the hashtag #uwnightmarket2018 or tagged @uwnightmarket to increase post exposure on Instagram, and to encourage people to follow our official account.

Infographics were designed by the Marketing Team to relay important event information in an easy-to-consume format.

Amber Hsu

Amber Hsu

Senior studying English and Biochemistry at the UW

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